Kids Poem Collection - Part 2 Seasons / Adventure / Emotions / Friendship / Music  / Dreams

Chapter 1: Seasons

With carrot nose and coal-black eyes, The snowman stands with arms out wide,  A winter friend for all to see,  A symbol of the season's glee.

The Snowman

In springtime, the cherry blossoms bloom,  A pink and white cascade of petals to consume,  A fleeting beauty that's worth the wait, A moment to cherish before it's too late.

The Cherry Blossom

In summertime, the sun beats down, Heating up the streets and the town,  A time to play and splash and swim,  A season of fun with no end to begin.

The Summer Sun

Chapter 2: Adventure

With a patch on one eye and a hook for a hand,  The pirate sails the seas with his band, Searching for treasure, fighting the foe, A life of adventure is all they know.

The Pirate's Life

In the jungle, the wild beasts roam,  As you trek through the thick undergrowth alone,  With snakes and spiders and monkeys too,  It's a world of adventure just for you.

The Jungle Expedition

With rockets and shuttles and stars so bright,  A space odyssey takes you to new heights,  Exploring planets and galaxies far,  It's a journey to the universe's uncharted bar.

The Space Odyssey

Chapter 3: Emotions

With joy and laughter and smiles so wide,  The happy heart takes you for a ride, Filled with light and love and peace,  It's a feeling that's hard to cease.

The Happy Heart

When tears fall and hearts feel low,  The sadness song is what we know, With heavy eyes and a heavy heart,  We mope and mourn as we fall apart.

The Sadness Song

With bravery and strength and hope so bright,  The courageous soul stands tall and might,  Facing fears with head held high,  It's a trait that makes us soar and fly.

The Courageous Soul

Chapter 4: Friendship

In a hideout with a secret door,  The club of friends meets, no one knows what for,  Sharing secrets and stories and silly jokes,  It's a bond that forever elopes.

The Secret Club

With a shy smile and a nervous gait, The new kid in school feels out of place, But a friendly hello and a warm embrace,  Can make all the difference in this new space.

The New Kid

Through ups and downs and miles apart,  The forever friends hold each other's heart,  A bond that time and distance can't sever,  It's a friendship that lasts forever and ever.

The Forever Friends

Chapter 5: Music

With a steady rhythm and a thumping sound,  The beat of the drum makes feet hit the ground,  A universal language that makes us move,  It's a melody that we all groove.

The Beat of the Drum

With strings that twang and chords that flow,  The hum of the guitar is a sweet and mellow,  Playing notes that touch the heart and soul,  It's a sound that makes us feel whole.

The Hum of the Guitar

With keys that tinkle and melodies that soar,  The tune of the piano leaves us wanting more,  Playing ballads and sonatas with grace and poise,  It's a sound that brings us joy and noise.

The Tune of the Piano

Chapter 6: Dreams

In the realm of dreams, anything goes, A world of magic and endless shows, With unicorns and dragons and knights so bold,  It's a place where stories are told.

The Dreamer's Mind

With a wish upon a shooting star,  The dreamer dreams of lands afar,  Of love and peace and endless joy,  It's a wish that's free for us to employ.

The Dreamer's Wish

In the dreamer's world, we can be, Anyone we want to see,  A place where dreams come alive, It's a world that makes us thrive.

The Dreamer's World

Crafted Poem collection for Kids - Part 3