Kids Poem Collection - Part 3 Nature / Love / War

Chapter 1: Nature

Daffodils dance in the breeze,  A sight that's sure to please, In Wordsworth's ode to nature,  The beauty of the world's a treasure.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Two roads diverge in the woods,  A choice that leads to different goods, In Frost's contemplation on life's journey,  The paths we take shape our destiny.

The Road Not Taken

Amidst a desert of barren land,  Eliot's poem explores themes so grand,  From loss and disillusionment to hope, It's a journey through life's kaleidoscope.

The Waste Land

Chapter 2: Love

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?  Thou art more lovely and more temperate, In Shakespeare's sonnet of eternal love, The beauty of the beloved is the stuff.

Sonnet 18

Let me count the ways I love thee, In Browning's sonnet of sweet reverie,  A declaration of love that's true,  It's a tribute to the one who's your glue.

How Do I Love Thee

In a kingdom by the sea,  Poe's poem tells of love so free,  A love that's lost but never forgotten, It's a tale of love that's worth more than a ton.

Annabel Lee

Chapter 3: War

Into the valley of death rode the six hundred,  In Tennyson's poem, the charge was blundered,  But the bravery of the soldiers remains, It's a tribute to the fallen, a solemn refrain.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

In the trenches, gas seeps in,  In Owen's poem, the horror's within,  A scathing critique of war's glory,  It's a plea for peace, a hopeful story.

Dulce et Decorum Est

Rage, rage against the dying of the light,  In Thomas' poem, a father's plight,  A call to arms against death's hold,  It's a battle that's worth more than gold.

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Crafted Poem collection for Kids -  Part 2

Crafted Poem collection for Kids -  Part 1

Short Stories for Kids - Part 1