QuickStories - A journey to  Rank 1  on Google Search.

It all started in mid January' 2023. 

I decided to launch a website ,   a blogging place to write something. 

Confusion was should i go with Google Blogger or WordPress.... having no knowledge on both.

I tried Google Blogger , but stuck with Topics and Blog name...i got to know about WebStories and did serious learning...and landed on WordPress.

Started making WebStory and designed website with much dificulty understanding WordPress.

Blogging also started with seriousness.... working late in the night till Sun comes up...

My wife helped me with SEO and site optimisations...she is also in learning phase...but we analysed and worked on many points.

In my QuickStories, you would have seen topics of SEO, Blog writing, Keywords writing, creative writing and many others related to Blogging and Site optimization's, many are based on learning. 

WordPress needs many plugin to work on your website if that is not Pro version. So , i needed Meta Tag Manager to write meta tags.

Other Plugin for image optimisation , because of which LCP was posing a issue, I Used Converter for Media.  It is used for converting and optimising your images to WebP formats.

LiteSpeed Cache which is there in WordPress , this needs proper configuration for optimum site functioning.

After taking help of all previous pluging and sites, i submitted the web site for Google Adsense approval.

Waited Waited and only Waited ...for more than 2 weeks... Only checking if its approved...all mails, refreshing the site, checking if i did wrong...asked few questions if submittion process was right....and finally

after 2 weeks ...it was Approved..

with relief, i started working on ad display on site...it took 2-3 hours for ads to start displaying...and i was joyous..

Till 15th of Feb, site started ranking on 4rth position... as per Search Console and was backlinked by many of websites...around 15 articles / stories.

Finally on 22 February....