Short stories for Kids

A young girl befriends a monster who has always been shunned by society.

The Kind Monster

She teaches the monster about kindness and the importance of acceptance.

A princess gets lost in the woods and has to find her way back to the castle.

The Lost Princess

Along the way, she meets a talking owl who helps her navigate the forest.

A group of friends discovers a secret garden hidden behind a wall in their town.

The Secret Garden

They work together to restore the garden and bring it back to life.

A leprechaun visits a family's home and causes all sorts of trouble.

The Mischievous Leprechaun

The family must find a way to outsmart the leprechaun and restore order to their home.

A young boy discovers a tree that can talk. The tree shares its wisdom with the boy and teaches him about the beauty and importance of nature.

The Talking Tree

A girl discovers a book that has the power to transport her to other worlds.

The Magical Book

She goes on an adventure through different dimensions and learns about the importance of imagination and creativity.

A puppy gets separated from its owner and ends up in a shelter. The owner must search for the puppy and prove that they are responsible enough to take care of it.

The Lost Puppy

A fox outsmarts a group of hunters who are trying to catch it. The hunters learn that sometimes, even the smallest and most cunning animals can be a force to be reckoned with.

The Clever Fox

A princess saves her kingdom from a fire-breathing dragon. She proves that bravery and determination can overcome any obstacle.

The Brave Princess

A group of friends discovers a mysterious island filled with hidden treasures and secrets.

The Mysterious Island

They must work together to uncover the island's mysteries and outsmart the dangerous creatures that live there.

Short Stories for Kids - Part 3

Crafted Poem collection for Kids -  Part 1