Short stories for Kids - Part 3

A young girl befriends a bird who has a beautiful singing voice.

The Singing Bird

She helps the bird overcome its shyness and encourages it to share its talents with the world.

A boy loses the key to his diary and must search his entire house to find it.

The Lost Key

Along the way, he discovers other items that he thought he had lost forever.

A ghost who lives in an old mansion befriends a group of children who are fascinated by the paranormal.

The Friendly Ghost

Together, they uncover the ghost's backstory and help it find peace.

A squirrel tries to steal food from a family's backyard garden.

The Sneaky Squirrel

The family must find a way to outsmart the clever squirrel and protect their crops.

A brother and sister discover a magic carpet that can take them anywhere they want to go.

The Magic Carpet

They travel to different parts of the world and learn about different cultures and traditions.

A girl finds a penny on the sidewalk and believes that it brings her good luck.

The Lucky Penny

She holds onto the penny through different challenges and obstacles, and it helps her overcome them all.

A detective solves a tricky mystery that has stumped the police department.

The Clever Detective

He uses his keen observation skills and deductive reasoning to uncover the truth.

A unicorn who can change colors based on its mood befriends a group of children.

The Rainbow Unicorn

Together, they go on a magical adventure through a land of rainbows and clouds.

An explorer discovers a new land that has never been seen before.

The Brave Explorer

She must overcome dangerous terrain and wild animals to make it back home and share her discovery with the world.

A boy builds a time machine that can take him to any point in history.

The Time Machine

He travels back in time to meet historical figures and witness important events firsthand.

Short Stories for Kids - Part 1

Crafted Poem collection for Kids -  Part 2

Crafted Poem collection for Kids -  Part 1