What are  crypto currencies

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure transactions and to control the creation of new units.

Not backed by Govt Banks and are decentralised.

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009.

The transactions made in cryptocurrencies are recorded on a public ledger called a Blockchain, which provides transparency and security.

A blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger that records all cryptocurrency transactions.

Cryptocurrencies can be used for a variety of purposes including online purchases, peer-to-peer transactions, investment, and speculation.

Bitcoin (BTC) - The first and most well-known cryptocurrency, created in 2009.

Ethereum (ETH) - A decentralized platform that enables the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

Ripple (XRP) - A digital currency designed for financial institutions to facilitate cross-border payments.

Litecoin (LTC) - A cryptocurrency that is designed to be faster and cheaper to transact than Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) - A fork of Bitcoin created in 2017 to address scalability issues.

Tether (USDT) - A stablecoin designed to maintain a stable value relative to the US dollar

Binance Coin (BNB) - The native token of the Binance exchange, used to pay for fees on the platform.

Coinbase,Binance,Kraken, Bittrex,Bitfinex are some of the Platforms were Cryptos are traded.